Request page

Do you have a nice scenario for a cap and think Martha could like it? You can post it here. 
Maybe you have a nice idea for an interactive game or anything like that? Post your idea here.
Do you have a cool picture you'd like to see in a cap and you think Martha could like it? Post it here. :)

PS: Once a request has been fulfilled I'll delete the whole post to keep a good oversight in here.


  1. Idea for interactive game: finding a ring that swaps bodies. Put it on without knowing and end up as someone else (a woman for the nature if this site)

    1. Not sure if you'd agree that it's similar, but I was thinking about something like "The enchanted ATM". I'll choose pictures of everydays women and make a list, like 1 - 30. Everyone who signs up will use this ATM and get's turned into the last woman who used that ATM (according to my list).

    2. I'd be game for another round of the enchanted atm, the first one was a lot of fun

  2. could you do a caption where two guys both wish to become chubby black women and they fall in love and become who they were meant to be, and then after that just do more black women caps in general

    1. wow great idea! :)

    2. I have to think about that scenario, but I can definitely use more black women in caps now and then. :)

  3. Body swap roulette, where you are allowed to pick one attribute of your new female body (age, ethnicity, height, weight, hair color etc) but everything else about it is left to chance.

    1. That's indeed a funny idea ... need to think about that. :)

  4. Idee: Ein schüchterner 23 jähriger verwandelt sich durch einen mißglückten Wunsch in die Sängerin Mandy Capristo. Hab sie vorhin im Fernsehen gesehen. Einfach nur heiß ,-)

  5. Die Freunde Andre und Daniel finden in einem Buch ein Rezept für einen Zaubertrank der sie für 24 Stunden in ihre Traumfrauen verwandelt. Bei Andre funktioniert der Zauber und er wird zu einer heißen Blondine, bei Daniel geht er durch eine falsch dosierte Zutat schief und er verwandelt sich in eine mollige Schwarzhaarige mit dicken Hüfften und einem großen Hintern. Andre macht sich darauf hin über Daniel lustig. Kurz darauf tauschen sie durch den Great-Shift ihre Körper wodurch die Wirkung des Zaubers für immer ist.

    1. 2 gute Ideen, Anonymous. :) Nur für die letzte muss ich mal schauen ob ich dafür Bilder finde.

  6. I thought of this at the golf course yesterday. Husband loves golf and/or bowling. He is good at it. Wife enjoys it but is not very good. They participate in their own leagues but she insists on doing it together occasionally which he does not enjoy. An accident causes them to switch bodies with no chance to switch back in the near future. They also have seemed to swap athletic abilities. She now golfs good in his body and he golfs like her in her body. He still likes to try and golf/bowl and now he likes to do it with his HUSBAND as he feels out of place in his womens leagues. She enjoys her new abilities and she now gets irritated having to golf with her WIFE. This REAlLY depresses him.

  7. hallo,

    kannst du mehr fem virus oder wiztv captions mit deutschen Promis machen.z.B mit Verona Pooth,Barbara Schöneberger,Sonya Krause,
    Sonja Zietlow, Nazan Eckes,Jeanette Biedermann,Gülcan Kamps,
    Fernada Brandou,Micaela Schäfer,Ruth Moschner,Heidi Klum,
    Claudia Schiffer,Andrea Sawatzki,Birgit Schrowange,Diane Kruger,
    Andrea Berg,Rebecca Mir,Charlotte Engelhardt,Veronica Ferres


    1. Hej, wirklich tolle Promis für Caps dabei. :) Ich versuche es mal in nächster Zeit. Ein Cap mit Barbara Schöneberger habe ich schon angefangen, sie ist wirklich gut für ein TF Szenario. Vielleicht hast du auch konkretere Ideen?

    2. Vielleicht Fem Virus oder Körpertauschwelle

  8. Hallo,

    machst du in nächster Zeit neue caps mit deutschen Promis?

    1. Ich muss mal schauen. Ich habe ja schon einige Ideen gesammelt, allein es fehlt die Zeit (nach Bildern zu suchen). :( Aber ich arbeite dran ;) Irgendwelche Wünsche von dir?

    2. Vielleicht Fem Virus oder Körpertauschwelle

      Verona Pooth,Barbara Schöneberger,Sonya Krause,
      Sonja Zietlow, Nazan Eckes,Jeanette Biedermann,Gülcan Kamps,
      Fernada Brandou,Micaela Schäfer,Ruth Moschner,Heidi Klum,
      Claudia Schiffer,Andrea Sawatzki,Birgit Schrowange,Diane Kruger,Andrea Berg,Rebecca Mir,Charlotte Engelhardt,Veronica Ferres,Palina Rojinski

  9. Hello, I was wondering if you could do a cap where a shy college student named Sam finds himself put into the body of the campus slut.

  10. Hello i was wonder if you could do a caption for me turning me in to a sexy older women in her early 40s and could you include my name & age George age 19

    1. Hey George (DJ pon3) what's your contact info? I liked your request and I've made a cap for you. You can shoot me an email with my name (at) gmail.

      PS Martha, I love your caps.

  11. I like you captions fo far theyve been rather enjoyable would you consider doing a caption about a young straight guy that gets his body stolen by a feminine crossdresser.

  12. Can you please do one where a teenage boy named Nathan travels back in time and lands in his nans body who was hot when she was younger

  13. I have two bodyswap ideas,could you make them to be caption series or captions? is groom-to-be accidently swapping body with the stripper he hired in his bachelor party:
    Would you please write a story about the groom to be accidentally swap body with the stripper in his bachelor party,then have to deal with the stripper life style while the stripper in his body enjoys the lovely life with his bride!

    2.The other is detective/policeman swap body with the Mob's woman to be deeply undercover:
    Could you please create some story that a policeman was sent to swap body with the mistress of mob boss to deep cover but the mistress turn over the table and take over policeman’s life. For example,the mistress hold the criminal evidence of the man who sent the policeman and agree to give out all the mob boss criminal evidence if she can get policeman’s life, so the deal done.This is because the mistress is tried of mob boss and her own life ,and she want to start over.So now the mistress is enjoying the policema's life in his home,with his wife and children!The policeman have to live the mistress's life and try to get his life back and get revenge,using the only new power he got in the deal——the sex power as the mistress to a powerful mob boss!

    Thank you!

  14. I have a request. Could you do a caption that involves a teenager named Eddie who ends up being swapped into a chubby girls body after a spell gone wrong.

  15. Hey! Could you make a request where a man named Tom is voluntary to swap his body with one of these celebrities (the celebrities want to swap too): Kim Kardashian, Emma Watson, Paris Hilton, Catherine Bell, Stana Katic, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lea Michele, Britney Spears (Oops! I did it again), Kate Middleton, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Shakira, Penelope Cruz?

  16. can you please do a few period caps with pads and tampons?

    1. Well, the problem of having to use these will be used in caps now and then :)

  17. hallo,

    kannst du mehr fem virus oder Körpertauschwelle captions mit deutschen Promis machen.z.B mit

    Verona Pooth,Barbara Schöneberger,Sonya Krause,
    Sonja Zietlow, Nazan Eckes,Jeanette Biedermann,Gülcan Kamps,
    Fernada Brandou,Micaela Schäfer,Ruth Moschner,Heidi Klum,
    Claudia Schiffer,Andrea Sawatzki,Birgit Schrowange,Diane Kruger,Andrea Berg,Rebecca Mir,Charlotte Engelhardt,Veronica Ferres,Palina Rojinski

    1. Ich muss echt mal mehr deutsche Frauen nutzen, aber ich werde vermutlich auf Englisch schreiben, da es einfach für das breitere Publikum ist. :) Und Körpertauschwelle ist eh mein Favourit :)

  18. Who is the pretty blonde girl at the top of the page? Also, thank you for your blog, it is very interesting!

  19. Can you do a caption of a nerd who wants to be with his favorite model so much that he develops a machine to clone her. However, things go awry and the guy ends up meeting her one way or another if you catch my drift. Male to Female transformation.

  20. Wenn du dich traust könntest du mich marco in den körper von Shirin David vertauschen

    Nices scenario wäre ich schlaff ein am morgen wach ich verdutzt auf versuche ins badzimmer zu kommen normalerweise schaff ich das blind doch heut renn ich gegen ne wand. Als ich dan die tür finde und die zähne putzen will seh ich ihr spiegelbild. Normal schreit hmjeder dich uch hab zu viel gelessen das einzige was ich denke wie zur hölle sol ich das jetz alles schaffen.

    Wenn du magst dann überlass ich dir den rest ;)

  21. Request: a scary nightmare...
    Verbally abuseve Husband (Joey).Qouted that he never had it so bad when he was home. Wife (Candace) buys a spell to switch bodies with joeys father (Eric) because he brought joey up.

    joey electrician
    Candace beautician
    Eric Manager

    Three children ages 4 to 9 years old.

    Candace wants a breakfrom the abuse and thinks Eric can change Joey

    Eric is surprised/ shocked and turns into a Hot Blonde bitch.
