21 April 2012

Martha's blog is now ...

  • broader, cleaner, sexier
  • more efficient and structured

So what changed beside the cosmetic change (new colours, layout, header, bigger fonts etc.) ? The most prominent change in structure is the pages bar right below the header.
I got rid of formspring (since they decided to send me notification emails only once a in while) and set up the "Ask questions and get answers from Martha" section. Post your suggestions, questions etc. there from now on and I'll reply as soon as I can.
Also new: The requests page. You have a nice scenario on your mind and think I could like it?  Post it there and I'll see what I can do. :)

I hope you all like it. Have a good weekend you all.


18 April 2012

Door of fortune

That's a cap back for Dee from Rachels Haven. I continued something I had used in two previous caps, which can be seen HERE and HERE.
It's basically about playing the tourist guide for each other, something goes wrong and we both end up with tits. :D


Neuer Lebensstil (Cap in German)

12 April 2012

Become what you write

That's a cap I made for CaitlynMasked from RachelsHaven. She proofreads alot of stuff for me and that's why I made her that dirty little cap and included myself.
We both have in common that we think that a heterosexual man would struggly pretty bad if he was changed into a woman. And since we both write about that in caps I thought I could use that as something humiliating against us. Do you see how we are struggling? ;)

PS: Bren and Dementia are members at RachelsHaven and often used for cameos like that.

06 April 2012

Forced Adaption

That's an experiment I tried as a cap for it2707 at RachelsHaven who has done many of those gif-caps lately.